The Most Crucial Life Skill

Dec 8, 2023

Dec 8, 2023

Dec 8, 2023

Sam Szuchan

Sam Szuchan

Sam Szuchan

I bet you already have a good idea of what you need to do to improve your life. And if you could just sit down and do it, day in and day out, your life lives would inevitably be in a much better place.

For example, maybe you're a student who needs to sit down and start on an assignment that’s due soon, or maybe you want to build a YouTube channel, but can’t get around to recording your first video.

It's not like you don't know what to do. You just don't do those things—that’s the problem. You put everything off, no matter what it is, even the stuff that's important and has the potential to make their lives much better.

Like if you have an assignment that’s due for work, and instead of just sitting down to do it—you distract yourself. You start cleaning your office or organizing your Notion page—telling yourself that you’re being productive and it’s a valid excuse to not just start on the work you have to do—even if it’s the most important thing in your life right now.

And to be fair, getting distracted is easier than it used to be. It’s extremely recent in human history that everyone just started having a supercomputer in their pocket they could use to endlessly entertain themselves into a coma.

The top tech companies of the world are constantly investing incomprehensible amounts of money into seizing as much of your attention as possible. You’re endlessly assaulted with more distractions every day—whether it’s coming from your computer, phone, TV, or anywhere else.

On the other hand, learning how to focus amidst all the distractions gives you a huge advantage over people who can’t. Obviously, concentrating on things is not a new skill, but the way the world has changed over the past couple of decades has made it immensely more difficult.

So difficult, in fact, that people have forgotten how transformative the simple act of focusing on important things is. Because you ou don’t need tricks and hacks like Pomodoro techniques or five-minute rules or whatever—not that those things can’t help, but they’re ultimately just trying you to get to do the same thing: focus.

And I’m sure you’ve tried that—like I said, focusing is nothing new. But you find it super difficult, maybe even written it off as impossible. And that’s why I’m saying this. If you want to improve your life, all you need to do is learn to focus.

No matter how easily distracted you are, I promise you can learn to focus. I, for example, was someone that absolutely could NOT focus on one thing at a time—all through school. But I eventually just got so sick of going back and forth between tasks, “multitasking” on a surface level but, in reality, getting nothing done, that I just learned to focus.

And you don’t need to turn into some machine that just sits down for six hours and works on things with zero distractions. Really, all you need to make huge strides in your life is one hour of deep work every day.

If you can just learn to sit in a room and do nothing but the one thing you have to do—and do it most (or almost) every day—you will come out ahead of 99% of people. And it won’t even feel like you’re trying. All you need to do is embrace being bored.

Because right now, if you sit down and try to focus on something—what happens? You might start for a few minutes, but then you get a text notification, then you go to Instagram, then you go to something else, then you to change your music, and you check the clock—it’s been 20 minutes since you started “working,” but you haven’t actually gotten anything done.

So get bored. I mean make your work environment as boring as humanly possible.

Get rid of your phone, your TV, hide the toolbar on your laptop, turn off notifications, and install a lockdown browser (or extension, like Freedom), use your productivity tools (like Google Docs, etc.) in fullscreen so the bookmark bar or search bar isn’t visible.

Clean your room, too. And optimally, it should be nothing but a desk, a chair, and maybe a window with the blinds closed—so whatever’s going on outside can’t distract you either. If you can’t do this at home, find a nice, boring library or coworking space to hunker down in.

Because when you do this—make your work environment freakin’ boring, your brain will default to the most stimulating thing available: your work—whether it’s an essay for school, a spreadsheet for work, or anything else.

And then work will really start to feel effortless. At the same time, your brain will begin to heal from the years of constant dopamine-chasing, and like with growing any other muscle, your brain’s focusing ability will improve and improve.

And as a bonus, I think this sort of deep work is pretty therapeutic, too. You probably don’t actually enjoy doom-scrolling for hours on your phone and constantly getting distracted—the same way that substance abusers generally aren’t very happy people—they just can’t stop themselves from chasing temporary little highs even if they hate themselves for it.

It’s just genuinely really nice to sit in your own world undistracted, getting stuff done, only focusing on one thing. I’ve really come to enjoy it, which is awesome because, obviously, working very hard on things is conducive to a better life.

Focus is really where the magic happens. Never try to multi-task—it doesn’t exist; your brain isn’t built to multi-task. Your body is obviously subconsciously doing a million things at once: pumping your heart, running your immune system, keeping you healthy, and all that stuff.

But your conscious mind is only meant to focus on one thing at a time—so stop acting like it’s not.

Mono-focus is where the magic happens. It’s what will put you ahead of 99% of people in really no time at all if you’re focused on the right things—school, work, building a business, or YouTube channel, or whatever.

If you look around, everyone’s trying to multi-task. For example, they work while checking their phone, and if they try something new, they sort of give up after a while because they don’t understand what true focus is.

And if you look around, most people don’t live particularly remarkable or fulfilling lives. So if you want one for yourself—a remarkable and fulfilling life—you should probably learn to focus.

So stop multitasking. When you want to get stuff done—get bored, and heavily, heavily curate your environment to that end.

All you need is one hour of deep work a day to radically improve your station and life, and of course, you can take it further. When you get to the point where you start losing track of time when you’re working, you’ll know you’re on the right track.

Your life will change. Seriously. Bye.

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