
Learn more about Sam Szuchan.


Learn more about Sam Szuchan.


Learn more about Sam Szuchan.

about me

"Most people leave this world when they're 25, but aren't buried until they're 75" is a quote that's stuck with me since I first heard it. I was desperate to live an exceptional life but had no idea where to start.

Idea to idea, hustle to hustle, I was constantly taking one step forward and two steps back. I knew that if I wanted to succeed—actually succeed—I'd need to make intentional, evidence-based decisions to cut out the guesswork and pitfalls of building the life I wanted as much as possible.

Ignoring conventional wisdom, I laser-focused on people who rose up from ordinary backgrounds to build exceptional lives for themselves. "Adapt and overcome" was (and still is) my credo, ditching dead-end tactics to relentlessly study strategies that (actually) work for building lasting and compounding success.

That's how I got to where I am today—and what inspired me to create a newsletter to share what I learn with others. Evidence-based living is impactful living, and my goal is to make Rise & Thrive the ultimate knowledge base of strategies and tools for building health, wealth, and influence.

my biggest influences

While many people have shaped my journey, a select few have been particularly influential:

  • Adam Enfroy: Adam was the first transparently successful internet entrepreneur I discovered (I searched for "affiliate marketing" after reading a forum post about it, and he showed up). Without his inspiration, I might never have taken digital entrepreneurship seriously.

  • Justin Welsh: The first person to show me what was truly possible as a creator. The enormous amount of digital leverage he's built inspired me to get this whole creator thing right.

  • Dan Koe: Besides building enormous influence quickly, Dan Koe has monetized his audience with exceptional products like nobody else. He's also broken many boundaries and redefined the creator economy in many ways.

Honorable mentions to many others for shaping both my digital leverage strategies and my content creation. I highly recommend following (and absorbing the work of) everyone I mentioned.

See where I've traveled

I'm an avid traveler—see where I've been so far below.

Rise & Thrive

Only the essentials—sent when they're ready.

Rise & Thrive

Only the essentials—sent when they're ready.

Rise & Thrive

Only the essentials—sent when they're ready.