AI Can’t Replace This

Jun 24, 2023

Jun 24, 2023

Jun 24, 2023

By Sam Szuchan

By Sam Szuchan

By Sam Szuchan

Before I was a LinkedIn ghostwriter, I was an SEO content writer. My job was to create blog content that “fully met search intent.”

In other words, when a Google searcher clicked on my article, they needed to walk away with every bit of information they desired. If I succeeded in that—so went the logic—it would be the best article out there (and rank accordingly).

But let’s be honest: it’s not actually possible to fully meet “searcher intent.”

No matter how comprehensive my article was, the reader would always have questions. And if I tried to address that with a massive FAQ section, my article would be too bloated.

But AI solves this problem. It can aggregate all information on the public internet and synthesize it into responses tailored to the user.

And this technology isn’t hypothetical or near-future—it’s right now. Bing AI is a pre-release GPT-based search engine that (rightly) has Google in a panic.

I should know since it’s basically my go-to right now. I’ve spent tons of time setting up a proper YouTube studio, and Bing AI has been a lifesaver.

I had to return the first camera I bought thanks to lag while streaming video to my Mac, and I used Bing AI to ensure it wasn’t an issue with Sony’s ZV10.

People throw the term “game-changer” around a lot, but this really is. And, if AI is so excellent at presenting information, what’s left for humans?

Stories, personal experience, and expertise.

While this sort of on-demand information access will continue to evolve and become even more useful, no amount of AI aggregation will ever make up for the weight and consequence of human experience.

That’s what gives those search results weight, after all. If you look at the little numbers, you’ll notice that each one cites a source of varying quality.

Even the most dispassionate searcher knows that the source matters. This phenomenon is why we (generally) give more weight to established media intuitions over random bloggers and Twitter posters for news.

As AI-generated content continues to flood the internet, the market will solve for it in a desperate attempt to put real names and faces to content in lieu of the unresting regurgitation of a mindless automaton.

Stock in quality creators and personal brands will rise as people abandon faceless brands and generic “creators” en masse. And if you think the chaos is bad now, text-to-video is rapidly catching up with the rest of the AI revolution.

AI-created pizza commercials may be horrific today, but DALLE-1 created similar text-to-image nightmares scarcely one year ago. And now text-to-image is indistinguishable from reality (Midjourney solved the hand problem).

If you want your creative content to survive the ongoing revolution, start emphasizing lived experience in a big way.

That’s exactly what I do in my ghostwriting service: I interview my clients, explore their stories and expertise, and synthesize them into irresistible content.

My work will survive GPT, Midjourney, Runway, and whatever comes next because it’s based on something physically impossible for AI to replicate (notice how I emphasize my personal experience in this newsletter).

And that’s my lesson for you today, dear reader: get serious about your lived experience. It’s your greatest weapon against the deluge of unprecedented automation.

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